Saturday, September 26, 2015

PUSH UP DAYS 207-211

352 Push ups

  • 25 Tuesday Streak extender
  • 135 Wednesday sets of 25, 35, 35, 25, 20
  • 25 Thursday Streak extender
  • 141 Friday sets of 25, 30, 30, 30, 26 (downloaded a push up app that counts my reps for me, so now I guess my "one or 2 extra in case I mis-counted" will actually be counted)
  • 26 Saturday (the app counter robot lady actually stuttered, seriously...maybe I was doing them too fast?   Anyway, that meant she was a rep behind and then caught up by counting one more after I had finished, it was strange, which isn't hard to believe when realizing I'm using an app on a phone to count push up reps)

Becca's Ironman tomorrow.

Cumulative total:  13,277


  1. Replies
    1. Place under chest and reps are recorded upon touch or close to it, I might put under nose and require feature is the log which records reps, sets and duration then allow me to additionally email to myself. Thus is helpful as previously I had to type up and send to myself for later recording etc.
