Monday, October 12, 2015

PUSH UP DAYS 225-226

305 Push ups
  • Saturday Streak extender
  • Sunday Streak extender
  • Monday sets of:   30, 30, 40, 40, 35, 25, 25, 5, 10, 15

Also happy to report that I ran on Saturday and also today (Monday)...neither was especially noteworthy, but as one was 5+ miles and the other was 4+ miles that is pretty good for me lately.   I'm no Laura Brandenburg, but I'm trying.

Cumulative total:    14,683


  1. Replies
    1. Ha! Thank you, I feel better now, though what would make me feel best is being given opportunity to witness her officially changing her name to Laura Matera Brandenburg as that would seem fitting.

  2. Materburg or Brandera is the only way I will change my name.
