Tuesday, March 1, 2016

PUSH UP DAY 366 & 367

50 Push ups

  • Back to back streak extenders, yesterday and today.

Just felt like letting the left shoulder heal one more day even though it doesn't feel that bad.   I did start a marathon training plan today, so I felt that was enough mental focus for this morning anyway.   Yes, I'll go ahead and bore you with running details now as well, but in an effort to maintain formatting I'll do so beneath the "Cumulative total" line following this paragraph and future posts:

Cumulative total:    31,825    [an additional note on this figure...since mid-summer last year I decided it was best to add 1 extra rep to every set just to make certain my cumulative total figure was an "at least" figure...yes, that is fairly weak on the accuracy scale, but it makes me feel better, so I thought I'd pass that along to my 5-ish readers....of which I only know for certain 2 identities -- maybe there is a way to see who is auto receiving?  Anyway, until I see comments I'll be content to just know the two, who I consider my 2 favorites naturally.]

RUNNING DAY 1 (not a streak!) of marathon plan culminating with a June 11 marathon if all goes well enough:

5.78 miles
  • 8:21/mi. pace
  • 0610
  • Houston, TX (near Memorial Park, but not in the park)
  • Training plan called for a Fartlek and or hills....no hills visible so I did some terrible 2's, but didn't make them that terrible.
NOTE:   I will attach my training plan once I transcribe it onto a calendar, just as FYI.  


  1. Naturally!

    The not-quite-three-mile-loop in Memorial Park is one of my favorite places to run—even despite the Houston humidity. I ran around that loop many, many times in my early- and mid-twenties.

    1. This note inspired me to run in the park today, thank you.
