Tuesday, January 24, 2017

PUSH UP DAYS 693-695

390 Push ups

  • Streak extender
  • Streak extender + 25
  • 345 in sets of 30 reps, with last 3 sets being 15 reps each

Cumulative total:   70,154

I heard this morning that Warren Buffet suggests reading 500 pages a day.  He says that's what he averages.  Yeah, 500.   This made me realize that I never commented on one of my favorite yearly blog posts -- the Craig Brandenburg books read list, revealed in January of every year (or thereabouts).   I plan to go do that now...and I plan to get back into reading, which I listed as a new years resolution anyway. 


  1. That 500-pages-a-day stat is astounding. Warren Buffet also drinks five sodas a day and eats ice cream for breakfast [1].

    “I checked the actuarial tables, and the lowest death rate is among 6-year-olds. So I decided to eat like a 6-year-old. It’s the safest course I can take.” —Warren Buffet

    [1] The Warren Buffett diet: 5 Cokes a day, ice cream for breakfast

  2. WOW, just wow. What a fascinating man...with a life detail like that I appreciate that he would be fascinating to me even if he was completely unknown and no absurdly wealthy.

    Thank you for sharing CMB.
