Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 199

  • 5 miles
    • 6:54 mins/mile pace
    • 0710
    • From/To home
  • Ran hard this morning.   Started off thinking I needed to average sub 7:15/mi pace since I won't be doing a long run this weekend (traveling for work), I at least needed to make myself hurt a little bit.  Well, first mile was 7:10, so I figured I needed to hold onto that...then I relaxed a bit and sped up.  Legs felt fine, but the lungs weren't very strong, I was breathing pretty hard and was unable to push the pace on the last mile beyond what I settled into during miles 2-4...I take this to mean that I was pretty much done as I wasn't averse to making myself hurt the final mile, I just couldn't sustain an increased effort.   Anyway, I was very pleased with the overall pace considering I didn't believe I could hold sub-7 minute miles for more than about 2 miles, but then I started realizing things like:   I need to average 4 seconds per mile faster than that, for 5 times as long and then for 1.2 miles after that if I'm going to break 3 hours in a marathon.  Being unable to push the pace at the end means that I was done, so, while I stopped the run because I didn't have time to run anymore and still make Case's soccer game, it's just as well since I wouldn't have made it much farther anyway.  Not sure how I'm going to get the speed aspect of my sub-3 hour goal down, but at least I have some time [Still targeting Tucson marathon in early December, though I haven't signed up yet]...and at least I finally decided to pick up the pace a bit.    That is also good in relation to the effort Craig and I will make in a few weeks, which is really what I should continue thinking about instead of some race months away, I guess. 
  • Current shoes now have 417+ miles on them, need to get a new pair...


  1. I rode past CCV and saw all the little soccer players. I looked for you guys, but it was CROWDED. I think it was about 10:00 and 10:30 am.

    1. Cool, though we were gone by then...we actually saw what we believe was the First Wave group maybe an hour before and looked for you, but guess you were not with that group of them.
