Friday, January 15, 2016

PUSH UP DAYS 320 and 321

375 Push ups

  • Streak extender +10
  • 340 push ups in set of following reps:   30, 50, 30, 40, 30, 35, 40, 30, 30, 25

Yesterday I made another attempt at the dolphin plank resulting in a 5 minute effort.  Shoulders were first to feel discomfort to the point of deciding to stop, I think that has to do with the previous days push ups, but no excuses just need to mentally decide to endure the discomfort for longer next time.   Ran yesterday too, on pretty consistent exercise block right now, which I need to continue if I intend to keep thinking about the Rockman event as much I have been.

Cumulative push up total:   25,956


  1. I've been doing more dolphin planks lately, and I've been experimenting with elbow and arm placement. As you may know, the easiest position is with the upper arms almost perpendicular to the ground, and the position is harder to hold the further forward you rest your elbows. A good dolphin plank workout has the upper arms at about a 45° angle—it really works the core instead of fatiguing the shoulders.

    This week I took this thinking to the logical extreme and tried to hold a plank with my arms completely forward, like a superman pose. To make this work, I held on to a chair positioned in front of me. By resting my elbows on the chair, I can hold the position for tens of seconds, and by gripping the chair using only my hands, I can hold for only mere seconds. The stress on the abs and lower back is intense. More experimentation is needed.

  2. CMB, great stuff and I sincerely look forward to hearing more about your additional experimentation. As for your good points, I have experienced some of that as I use the ab roller wheel thing for extending all the way out from starting in a hands (though on the roller) and knees position definitely puts intense pressure on abs and lower back. I like it, though it is a bit more of an upper arm workout than I am usually looking for when doing core work.
