Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 256

  • 12.45 miles
    • 7:23/mile pace
    • 0750
    • Prescott, AZ
  • A progression long run with Dean -- the plan was to run the first 30 minutes at 7:50/mile pace, the second 30 minutes at 7:20/mile pace and then finish with 30 minutes at 6:50/mile pace.   I was concerned about how much that last 30 would hurt, but I figured I'd be able to handle it even if barely.   Well, it played out that Dean and I, on the strength of his perfect pacing, executed the first two segments exactly...I mean EXACTLY on pace, then he hit the last one on pace while I pathetically watched him pull away.   It was weird and deflating, but even though I felt fine through 1 hour and didn't mind the initial push up to the 6:50/mile speed, it didn't take long at all for me to hit a wall and be reduced to near 8 minute/mile pace....even as it was happening I was surprised and confused.   I guess it could have been the altitude, which did seem to noticably affect breathing, or maybe I was just tired from the week, but the only thing that matters is that I wasn't able to do it, which I need to be able to do.   Not sure how I improve to effectively catch up to the training plan I'm trying to maintain other than to just keep going...if I don't see improved ability to accomplish the set work outs then I'll have to consider something drastic, like EPO, or going vegan.
  • On a positive note, Dean is seriously strong, he seemed to handle the run with minimal effort, which is great, except that I was hoping to keep doing long runs with him and if I start falling too far behind it may cause an issue.   Where does one start when considering an EPO plan?   I mean, hypothetically speaking...