41 straight days of streak extenders. Yeah, seriously. The number of places, forms, sets, etc. are to voluminous to recap here, but that's mostly because I just don't remember them all. I only know that the streak continues even though my posting has not been as consistent. I keep thinking I'm going to get back into doing actual workouts involving push ups, but so far I just keep thinking that. The streak extenders only streak started as a way to hopefully heal some right wrist issues I was having...the right wrist seems to be better now, but more recently I've been motivated to delay resuming actual workouts until my right shoulder heals. I hurt it throwing baseballs, whiffle balls and footballs all in close succession when playing with a friends kids -- they're into throwing stuff and I enjoyed it, but now know that I overdid it. Anyway, maybe I'll restart in August. For now I have to hope that I continue to remember to do my push ups as many times I have thought of the streak as I laid down to sleep for the night, meaning I had to get up, get down and reel off 25 push ups.