507 Push ups
- Streak extender
- 200 via 8 sets of 25 reps
- Streak extender + 10
- Streak extender
- 222 via 5 sets of 30 reps followed by 7 sets of 10 reps during p90x3 dvd...and then 2 more
Cumulative total: 71,771
I honestly believed that my Atlanta Falcons could never hurt me like my Auburn Tigers often do. I was prepared to enjoy the Super Bowl last night, I really wanted them to win, but I did not think for a second that I could possibly be devastated by them losing. When I was a kid that was always possible, but once I latched on fully to the Auburn Tigers I had a solid 35 year run where they were the only football team that could gut me so completely that I'd wonder why I let myself get so crushed.
I couldn't have been more wrong. Feelings of anger, disbelief and embarrassment have been on rotation since the colossal collapse started mid-way through the 3rd quarter. The choking was as thorough as any has ever been. It was as if we tried to save ourselves from choking by swallowing wet couch cushions, then chasing them with balloons, new tennis balls directly out of the can and sandy soil.