Monday, September 11, 2017

PUSH UP DAYS 925-927

365 Push ups
  • Streak extender
  • Streak extender
  • 315:   9 x sets of 35 reps
Cumulative total:     100,215
Comment:   Early summer I set a goal to reach 100k total push ups before my 45th birthday.  If memories serves I believe I needed to average 105 push ups per day to do so, which I have exceeded.  If it weren't for my 45 to 45 self challenge I would likely slow my pace a bit for a while.  [My 45 to 45 efforts have been disappointing thus far, by-the-way.   I think it has helped me choose what I 'should do' rather than what I 'want to do' a bit more, but my complete devotion to it and focus on it hasn't been as I originally intended...I think this confirms that a) I would have benefitted from a more detailed plan prior to starting, with tasks laid out for each day etc. b) I was probably too aggressive with my goals, as I often am.]


  1. New goal: Never once be too aggressive with goal-planning again.

  2. CMB, the brilliance of that new goal is not lost on me. Thank you, as always.
