Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 101

  • 12.25 miles
    • Slow -- 10 minute pace
    • 0900
    • Middle of no-where-AZ
  • Tough Mudder challenge.   Really a lot cooler than I thought it would be...not a race at all, which was weird to me, but a significant challenge for sure...not crazy about the electric shock section at all and could definitely have used more strength training prior, but the running part wasn't bad at all as I just took it easy and still managed to outpace most.  Very much the "Cross-fit" crowd, with far too many "hoo-rah's" being shouted for my taste, but fun none-the-less.   Hope to do it again next year with a friend or two, perhaps Johnny, or Becca, but we shall see.   (Shoulders, triceps and quads felt most sore afterwards -- also bottom portion of my leges were significantly knicked up, but nothing to worry about...except those freakin shocks, geez)  Glad that my feet didn't get ruined as a result of running in wet shoes for 11+ miles.


  1. Craig, honestly, as soon as I got out of it I reached down to see if I had any pants on, I couldn't feel anything at all. That was definitely a well placed shocker letting all know that this wasn't just any ol' effort. I'd spend a week in that ice rather than go through the electric shock things though, not sure how that makes any sense at all, but yeah, I'll probably do this event next year (with YOU!) again.
