Wednesday, November 4, 2015

PUSH UP DAYS 248 and 249

225 Push ups

  • Streak extender made more difficult by Finny who laid down on my back for the final 15.  I have to admit that I do really like it when he does that.
  • 200 in sets of 25.

Ran today as well...39 minutes-ish and yesterday I decided to see how long I could "plank."   So, using the elbows and forearms supporting position I gave it a go...3 minutes was all I could tolerate, though I guess I didn't go to complete failure, but rather failure to continue to want to endure the mounting pain.   I may never try that again, not because it was that bad, but because I'm not sure I believe in it as an exercise, that stated, I would like to see if I could continue to improve the time with practice.  I guess we'll see if I ever go that route or not.

Cumulative total:    16,840


  1. Ah, dolphin plank endurance test! I did that about a year ago and managed about seven minutes. That was as close to failure as I could psychologically get. Believe me, you can really stretch out those minutes when you think you're done but are in fact nowhere close to done.

  2. Wow...seriously Wow. Great effort, which of course now makes me want to try to get as close to failure as I can psychologically get -- very much doubt I can approach 7 minutes, though I do believe you are correct about being able to stretch out additional time in such a position, but going from 3 minutes to 7 seems unrealistic, but I guess someday we'll see. If I haven't referenced it again by end of this year please feel free to remind me and I will do so.
