Saturday, January 6, 2018

PUSH UP DAYS 1041-1043

575 Push ups
  • Streak extender
  • 400 via following sets:   10x30, 4x25
  • 150 via 6 sets of 25 reps
Cumulative total:   117,202


  1. Bobby, do you have any resolutions for 2018?

    1. CMB, your question is appreciated and of course the answer is that I do, however, I haven't completely committed to them all yet. I was so disappointed in having failed in relation to many of mine from last year I decided that I'll put additional thought in this month and then fully commit to a smaller number of them. Once I have done that I will provide list to you. That stated, I have set a lofty goal of 52,000 push ups for 2018 and I am on schedule, but need to start banking some as a year without complication seems unlikely. How 'bout you, any?

  2. I have no resolutions for 2018. Last year I failed my one resolution, which was to keep myself sufficiently injury-free to ride and run for all of the year.

    Good luck on your goal of 52,000 push-ups. Will you do any max sets? What's the most push-ups you've done in one day?

    1. Well, I'll hope that the desired result of your 2017 resolution can be realized this year.

      As for max sets, yes, I will commit to you that I first thought was to commit to doing 1 max set each month, but then I realized that would mean I need to do one within the next few weeks, so let's go with quarterly at a minimum. You're encouraged to hold me accountable to that. As for the most push-ups done in one day...I recall doing 710 one day and I think I've done 700 another time or two as well. I have been meaning to do 1000 in a day, but simply haven't...yet.
