Wednesday, January 24, 2018

PUSH UP DAYS 1054-1061

1180 Push ups
  • Streak extender +30
  • Streak extender x 3
  • 425:   17 sets of 25 reps
  • Streak extender
  • Streak extender
  • Streak extender
  • Streak extender
  • 525:   21 sets of 25 reps
Cumulative total:   120,262
Ran once and separately realized that my stated goal of completed 52,000 push ups in 2018 will be quite taxing.  Just hard to get ahead and bank volume at those figures -- but of course, if it were easy then why do it?   Complicating the volume accumulation is the fact that I've reduced my high total reps days from 3 down to 2, this due to agreement I made with a friend to lift heavy once a week in the weight room -- something I haven't done in 20 years.


  1. I would like to know more about your heavy lifting.

    1. CMB -- the heavy lifting is prehaps over stated as what I lift would likely not be considered heavy by most. That stated, here is the premise:

      Lift to failure once a week (Monday evenings usually) the following exercises:
      Bench Press -- 3 sets of 10 reps, as soon as that can be accomplished, add weight. I started at body weight and having only started 2 Monday's ago I've added 5 pounds each week and need to add again for next week.
      Pull ups -- just three sets of max reps, I do not intend to add weights...or rather artificial weight, if I add body weight that's a different story.
      Dips -- same as Pull ups
      Lat pull exercises on a machine...max weight, which I don't even know what that is, I'll look this week.
      Squats -- starting very light focusing on full range of motion and form.

      That's it, he likes to complete all as quickly as possible, so we're in the gym for probably 25 minutes total and leave winded each time. Not exactly how I would've designed a heavy lift day back when I used to spend considerable time and energy in weight rooms (again, 20 years ago and about 20 pounds ago), but I'll stick with it to see what I think of it after a few months.

    2. Fascinating. And impressive. A few days ago, just before leaving the gym, I shanghaied Laura into spotting me for a set of bench press. (She dislikes spotting, for reasons not entirely known to me, though I think it's because she's afraid she'll be required to lift the entire weight by herself (due to a complete collapse on my part), which would be impossible for her to do and therefore lead, with the inevitability of cold logic, to me being crushed under the weight and dying an agonizing death.) Anyway, this was my first time to bench press in well over a year. I loaded onto the bar the standard man-card-minimum of 135 lbs and managed to eke out seven reps. Later, at home, I consulted an online rep chart and determined that I was on the cusp of doing one rep of my body weight—according to the chart. And I felt pretty good about that, though now, with your 3x10 reps at more-than-your-body-weight, I feel inadequate.

      Question: Do you bi-set (or super-set) any of your exercises? For example, alternating each set of bench press with a set of pull-ups?

    3. If you choose to bench press again soon I believe you will find it easier due to familiarity -- lifting the bar and the balance it takes etc. is odd the first time you've done it in a least that was my experience. As for your feeling inadequate, I offer that a) I am most likely lighter than you are and b) I probably do more push ups than you do. That stated, 135 x 7 reps is impressive for having not put any focus on it, you can improve it if you so is the case with most things I suppose.

      I hope Laura gets more comfortable with spotting...consider not putting the weight holders on after the plates, this way you can tell her that if things go horribly you'll be able to survive by tipping the weights off one side at a time, drawing significant attention to yourself in the gym while doing so.

      Finally, to answer your question: We do the exercises in a circuit format...BP, then pull ups, then dips, then back pull things -- repeat. You'll notice that squats are not in the sequence and that is because my friend has knee issues preventing him from doing them, so I do those separately on my own.
