Thursday, March 29, 2018

PUSH UP DAYS 1105-1124

2495 Push ups
  • Six straight Streak Extender Days
  • 420 push ups via 12 sets of 35 reps each (tough day as I also did legs hard all under 1 hour)
  • Six straight Streak Extender Days (again)
  • 1125 Push ups in sets of 25 reps (New single day record for me)
  • Streak Extender
  • 250 push ups:   50 in Mobile Airport, 100 in ATL Hartsfield and 100 in San Antonio Airport
  • Streak Extender
  • 300 push ups:   175 in San Antonio Airport, 100 in DFW and 25 in MOB.  [Note:  Unless otherwise specified sets completed in airports are 25 reps as that is generally the volume I can complete without sweating]
  • Streak Extender
  • Streak Extender
Cumulative total:   129,782
As for bench pressing, I went up to 160 and had a good first week completing sets of 10, 8 and 7 reps -- next week was a drop off to 9, 7, 6 and yesterday was 10, 8, 6 reps, which I was happy with considering previous days airport push up total.


  1. Quite impressive. Forty-five sets in a day. How long did that take?

    1. The 45 sets were completed throughout the course of the I recall I did about 450 before work, then maybe 125-150 per hour thereafter with a 30 minute commute break and a lunch break. I did not do any when I got home that night, so I have been wondering since then how many I could do in 24 hours if that were my only intention for the day....sounds super painful to find out though, doesn't it? 2000 is certainly doable as the time spacing resulted in the 1125 being not what I would consider straining, but at what point do they start to get really hard even after significant breaks? What is the perfect break period to average? How 'bout fueling? Crap, I'm about to talk myself into one day trying this...


    3. COMPLETELY fascinating and I thank you for sharing -- I LOVE Guinness World Records so much I grew up wishing I had a twin so he and I could get super fat and have our picture taken riding motorcycles :). Seriously though, I love them and used to have most of the physical ones memorized. I may have told you that I once set out to break one, training for about 3 months only to learn that during that time the previous record holder DOUBLED his existing record, crushing my dreams in the process (pogo-stick mileage). Anyway, a few things about this article that I wonder about -- the guy who did 46,001 in 24 hours...wouldn't he have had the previous 1 hour record since he averaged more than the listed record that was broken? And doesn't it stand to reason that with an all out 1 hour record couldn't he do more than the 2200 this amazing fellow did? Taking nothing away from either of course as the numbers are staggering....I do a high volume of push ups, I think, and that one hour total is like half a month for me. Anyway, I'm also encouraged by the 2200 as I think it is rare that I can achieve 25% of a world record, which I am confident I can do with regard to this one.

      So, thanks again for sharing.

    4. I was completely unaware of your pogo-sticking abilities and aspirations. That's neat. Also good to hear nothing about an attempt to have the longest fingernails.
