Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day 73

  • 14.03 miles
    • Slow
    • 0600
    • From/To Mom and Dad's house
  • 5 miles longer than my previous high for the year, probably not very smart -- took a digger with 2 miles to go, cut my knee, bled down leg and splattered over to other leg...just not in shape for a 14 miler, but that's what was on Becca's marathon schedule and she didn't want to do it alone.   It was fun, but probably not so smart for me.   


  1. After my first marathon, I didn't run for a month or so. One day I woke up and said, "I feel like running 10 miles!" By mile 8, my feet were dragging and I stumbled on a dirt trail with the same result as your graceful tumble.

    1. Remembering my fall I am absolutely certain that your fall was more graceful, as I went down I was actually thinking how much I looked like the provverbial fat kid taking a digger because he just leaned over to far :).
