Monday, January 18, 2016

PUSH UP DAYS 322-324

295 Push ups

  • Streak extender
  • Streak extender
  • 245 in following sets:   25, 25, 25, 35, 30, 35, 35, 35

Also ran twice and did some lunges and pull ups...left shoulder is bothering me slightly, which I think may have to do with my dead hang pull ups.   Stopping short of a dead hang would be logical way to test to determine, but I like knowing that I have done them that way, so for now I'm hoping I'll just get used to it.   Oh, one other thing I realized....I was completely wrong about staying under the cold water throughout the shower being easier....well, it may be in some ways, but it results in a much longer time to warm up post shower, which while semi-miserable, is probably best if I truly intend to use it as training for the Rockman event recently touted on this blog. 

Cumulative push up total:   26,251


  1. Sounds like suffering all around. Good work!

    1. Thank you, and since then I have been further inspired to suffer after reading of your plank experimentation, amazing.
