Monday, October 10, 2011

Starting a running streak -- and a running streak blog

"The Streak" as I will call it even though that may be the least creative name for it possible, started 10/6/2011, my 39th birthday.   That day I ran 3 miles on a treadmill in Somerset, NJ (Crown Plaza, because I couldn't get my friends John or Mark to pick up their phones and therefore couldn't stay at John house as I usually do when in the area).   Actually, I started an "Exercise Streak" 3 days before, so I'll effectively be keeping track of that as well, but for now let me just define "The Streak," type out a few goals and then catch up on the postings so that hopefully this can be easily maintained through the duration of the streak...which, yeah, could end tomorrow...

  • "The Streak" refers to the consecutive number of days I have run at least 1 mile.   
    • The 1 mile distance is what "running streaker’s" who formed the United States Running Streak Association (USRSA) Inc. have deemed the minimum required for an official running streak to be recognized by their organization and certified with publication on their website.   I don’t have a desire to be on their website or certified by them officially, but the 1 mile minimum seems to legitimize the effort simply because of the USRSA existence and apparent mastery of the concept.  (Read more on this website if you care to learn more about those freaks:
    • I may make my minimum distance requirement 1.5 miles; a) just because, b) one loop around the block I live on = 1.7 miles (roughtly… measures it at 1.7, whereas my Garmin 305 usually has it between 1.65 and 1.67) and c) that seems like a good amount of time to get warmed up properly so that I can then stretch, which I plan to do after every run for cliché reasons.
  • “Exercise Streak” refers to the consecutive number of days I have done some exercising…yes, running counts, however, if the exercising completed is something other than running I have come up with the following minimums, strictly out of my own head:
    • 100 combined reps of push-ups, sit-ups and pull-ups.
    • Hiking longer than 45 minutes
    • 20 minutes of continuous distance-covering swimming  
  • Well, I actually do need to lose a few pounds.  Most people, possibly just being nice, say I don’t appear to, but I think that’s mostly just because I am still quite a small guy.  Fact is, my pants don’t fit…I can still wear them, but they don’t fit and I’m far too cheap to buy new ones, so I had to do something.   I weigh 155 lbs. right now.   (If I redistribute that is fine as well, I weighed 164 in college and my pants fit...yes, some of the same pairs, my wife has many reasons to hate me)
  • Just see how long this streak will last…another week?   (Blog started at day 8 of Exercise Streak and day 5 of Running Streak)
  • Put down my very brief (this may be the most text I write on any single blog as I envision very short statement-style postings each day or each week...we shall see) thoughts as I go.   I want to have a record of starting an exercise lifestyle from close to zero fitness…it has been forever since I worked out with any regularity at all and I’m probably in as bad a shape as I can remember being…well, ever.
  • Build base for a Marathon in 2012…I’ve done 4 of them, but since I’m in rather soft shape they seem like a billion years ago and completed by someone else.  Right now I’m eyeing the Missoula, MT marathon with a friend who is an entirely over the top triathlete guy named Elliot.  (Since I generally do best on a “plan” I printed out Hal Higdon’s Intermediate I plan for running a marathon and will follow that, plus the 1.7 mile jaunts on off days and additional push-ups/sit-ups/pull-ups/whatever-I-feel-like stuff.   Hal will run you into the ground, so using that as a base builder should put me in position to ramp up the speed work thereafter as a few month tune up to Missoula…best laid plans right?)
How I plan to accomplish…well, conceptually it isn’t very hard.  Just run every day and if that streak, excuse me, “The Streak” gets broken then see if I can at least exercise so that I can continue that streak.   Right now Becca and I have settled on the morning feeding of our newborn, Finn, being the starting gun for my various efforts…eventually I’ll have to lay out a more formal plan as the runs/work-outs may take longer to complete, but for now this should allow me to keep “The Streak” going provided that my head stays in it.  I’ll also have to always have gear with me and think ahead a little bit when traveling….not sure how I’ll settle on making sure “The Streak” continues when I travel to Asia for instance because on the clock at least I miss complete days when doing that, but I suppose I could look up Greenwich Mean Time and always go by that, or something.   Again, we’ll see, but if I remain mentally committed to it then there should always be a way and if I don’t, well, then it will end and I’ll post one last entry stating “THE END.”   So, here goes I guess…


  1. Laura tipped me off to this secret blog of yours. It's great to hear you've been streaking around the neighborhood.

  2. Ahhhh, I've been outted :). Well, I guess perhaps that was inevitable, so no worries...I do feel the need to go back and make sure I didn't say anything bad about Becca or something, but we'll see when I can get around to that (it's on my list, but after posting on my other blog, which I haven't done in forever, though I have continued to read about Presidents :)). Anyway, thanks for letting me know and if you have a moment please read Day 128 as I have mentioned you in it as a result of your comment. Sincerely, El Streaker
    PS Becca's never even read this blog, which acts perhaps more as a personal journal, or is there a difference? Laura is the first ever reader I believe (since you said she told you, I had no idea she knew about it) and you're second. I'm glad you two are my first readers and I'll have to think about whether I care if anyone else ever joins you as readers or not :).
