Wednesday, January 6, 2016

PUSH UP DAYS 311 and 312

325 Push ups

  • Streak extender
  • 300 in sets of 25

Failed to get out of bed in time to run this morning, intend to run after work, but I usually do not exercise after work no matter how great my intentions may be...not sure why I am not bouncing out of bed when my alarm goes off, but I'm not.   Might need to sign up for some event to get me motivated?  

Cumulative total:    24,607


  1. I consider myself a “social exerciser” in the PM hours. For example, I'll go to a running club meet-up or ride my bike to meet someone, but that's about it.

    1. I like that term and will use it, thank you. Ya know what's interesting is that when I have run in the PM hours my pace has always been significantly improved as a result of being fully awake etc., pace however, is not enticement enough to change my preferences.
