Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 349

  • 3.94 miles
    • 7:53/mile pace
    • 0635
    • To/From Home
  • Had plenty of time to get in the longer run I had planned (not that I'm following a plan, I'm not), but then I started working and well, when I only had roughly 30 minutes left above is all I ended up getting in -- had I wanted to run faster I suppose I could've increased the milage some anyway...problem is that once I've compromised from my original intention I seem to mail it in, which could also explain some of the lethargy of the past 2 months.
  • Need new shoes, based on milage and how my legs feel, may buy some tonight, we'll see.


  1. …problem is that once I've compromised from my original intention I seem to mail it in…

    Hmm, I've never heard "mail it in" before. I guess it's like "phoning it in," only mailing it in requires correct postage.

    1. CMB -- the need for correct postage, while potentially annoying, is better than having to actually engage in conversation or even fumble through leaving a voicemail...
