Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 108

  • 13 miles
    • 8:37/mile
    • 0715
    • From/To Home
  • Got a sitter (Lauren) so Bec and I could run together, didn't feel very good/strong/spry, but managed to get the mileage in, inclusive of 1 mile of hills (over 59th, then in Thunderbird Park off road).   Think maybe overall mileage caught up to me a bit as this shouldn't have been as hard as it was, but done now, streak goes on.  (Also have been running in super-old shoes, so retired those after this run and bought some new Brooks today, first run with them should be tomorrow)


  1. Laura offers to babysit for you and Becca. Drop off the kids at our apartment and run near us—we live close to the canal path and the Cave Creek path, so there are a lot of good routes.

  2. Laura is the BEST! Not sure we have any other sitter-runs left on schedule for this marathon Bec is running (March 4, in New Orleans), but we hope there will be another and if so we'll take her up on that fantastic offer.
