Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 172

Sunday March 25, 2012
  • 6.8 miles
    • 9:30/mile pace
    • 0900
    • Dreamy Draw Park to North Mountain Summit
  • My first ever Laura Matera Invitational start!!!  I was labeled the pre-race favorite and thought that was pretty cool.  I half expected to blow up and possibly finish dead last, but still, I thought it was pretty cool to think I might finish first...right up to the point that some no shoes wearin centaur decided to make a last minute entry at the behest of the dang Race Director.   From that moment on my hopes were dashed, but hey, at least I got to completely destroy my legs running up and down a zillion rocky hills and think about how mangled the vibram-5-fingers feet up ahead must be.   In all seriousness though, this was a really great event with a cool people percentage (100%) that I don't believe is matched by any other organized race in the continental United States.   It was very well run, very much appreciated by all and even had solid crowd support so into the event that they were calling out our individual names as we ran by (though unfortunately no one got my full name "payson BOBBY" right, deciding to just call me "BOBBY" only as if we were old friends, which I found to be a bit disrespectful actually).     
  • The race was significantly more physically taxing than I expected it to be and the final .7 was flat out hard...I wasn't disappointed in my effort at all, but since I was so certain that I'd be able to finish in under an hour JEC and I decided to take another stab at it in a few weeks in an attempt to do just that -- pretty certain that all he needs to achieve the sub-60 minute time is to put on a pair of snazzy running shoes like mine, though bigger for sure, whereas I need to find a pair of kangaroo legs like his...hmmm, seems I at least need to get a few hilly runs in.   I'm thinking the weekend of May 5th-6th, but will have to check with CMB.
  • Ms. Race Director Laurawesome, Thank you!!!  The event was very fun and I desparately hope to be invited to next years LMI, which I assume will end at the top of Humphrey's Peak.


  1. From that moment on my hopes were dashed


    As for our Sub-1hr Challange, we should do it right and without cars. Let's casually ride our bikes to the start, lock our bikes at the Dreamy Draw trailhead, run the course in under an hour, then saunter back along surface streets to where our bikes will await us for the ride home. The run back from North Mountain to Dream Draw should be only about three to four miles—no big deal, right?

    No challenge is a real challenge unless you do the whole thing using your own two feet—or arms, if the challenge entails swimming.

    1. Well Sir, I am not at all surprised by your proposal as I was thinking along the same lines considering the logitics end of it...I will agree to your bike and run plan, but do wonder if one must use only their own two feet--or arms, if the challenge entails swimming, which we need not include here, where then does the bicycle fit in? Anyway, if May 5-6 weekend looks good I will pencil it in on my schedule.

  2. Hmm, on second thought, maybe we should do our Challenge barefoot and naked, too. No assistive objects or materials of any kind. That means: no sunblock either.

    1. Well, I was just trying to eliminate that problem of demarcation you identified about the bicycle counting or not counting as one's own two feet. And if a bicycle doesn't count as one's own two feet, is a pair of shoes all that different? Or any other clothes? Or the food you eat? In the words of so many people on this here Internet: just sayin'.

    2. Fear not, your original response to my response was well understood and appreciated! Just sayin :)
