Monday, March 23, 2015


25 Push Ups

  • 1 set, on fists

Cumulative total: 1299

On Saturday I thought it would be a good idea to do sets of 5 with an hour or longer between each set...after two sets I realized I almost completely forgot to do any further sets, which gave me pause.  I decided I probably need to make the streak extender days of only 25 push ups single set efforts, or perhaps 2 set efforts as doing so will help make sure I don't kill the streak via easily avoidable stupidity.   Hopefully I'll soon be comfortable enough doing push ups that 25 seems easy?   We shall see.


  1. Mr. Bobby, It's been a long time since I've done 25 push-ups all in one set. Perhaps I'll make that a goal for this week. Suffice to say, I'm very impressed with the quantity of push-ups you're doing.

    1. Thank you Mr. CMB, I hope to continue -- good luck with your 25, will you use your "Perfect Push Ups" tools to complete them?

    2. Success! This morning I did 25 fist-style push-ups. I did an extra, 26th push-up just in case I made a mistake while counting.

      I remember being able to do in the mid-30s in high school—slow and steady, good form. I suppose I'm due for a mid-life crisis in which I reproduce my youthful accomplishments.

    3. NICE WORK CMB!!! On fists as well, strong. Yes, mid-life crisis activities of that sort seem in order sometimes don't they? Good luck to you, though I think that one you'll knock out readily and then be on to the next. Again, well done.
