Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 193

  • 11.11 miles
    • 9:04/minutes per mile
    • 1505
    • Thunderbird Park
  • Legs are tired as a result of this run, they don't hurt anything like they did after the LMI, but I'm hoping that's at least partly due to the fact that I am now more used to running off road hilly terrain, but hard to ever be sure about such things.  I do consider this a good effort though as I made a point of minimizing flat running through the complete run -- starting in the 67th Ave. parking lot I ran up the road side and over to the north mountain within Thunderbird Park, over that, back over it then to the car for hydration, around the south mountain within Thunderbird Park, culminating in a few short steep hills to make sure I was completely worn out.   Still don't feel like the hills were/are as steep as the Trail 100, but again, hopefully they're at least preparing me a bit more for my next try at that devastating route.  


  1. I'll rely on you to pace me to our sub-1hr time on the LMI course.

    1. I'll be there in spirit ...or in helicopter. Either way, I'm not slogging up that trail again.

    2. Chad, we'll appreciate your spirit, but if you fly over us in a helicopter kicking up dirt to make the run even more miserable, then, well, I won't be happy about it.
