Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 266

  • 3.15 miles
    • 8:16/mile pace
    • 0705
    • From/To home
  • Streak extender, plan to wake up feeling great tomorrow...believe my aspirations to wake up feeling "good" just weren't getting the message through.  
  • In other news, 100 day countdown to 1 year of streaking begins my health is in question and despite the reduced milage of recent weeks my body seems to be falling apart (hip, knee, etc.). 


  1. Replies
    1. CMB -- Hmmm...yes, I guess so, but sadly that is unintentional. I hope to be able to post triumphant run results at some point, though, not sure if that's even realistic. Until then, the streak goes on...well, if I run tonight it will...

  2. Oh no. I'm getting very concerned and was hoping you had healed. This condition might result in changing training status to DEFCON 2. What do you need and I'll get it over there.

    1. Dean, greatly appreciated, but fear not, I am feeling better...just not yet good...we'll see how tonight's run goes before declaring DEFCON 2 and implementing all associated procedures resulting from the same...
