Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 328

  • 4.15 miles
    • 8:03/mile pace
    • 0835
    • From/To Home
  • Last run prior to resuming actual training...that's my hope anyway.   Speaking of training...if we assume that I somehow hang on and finish out the 366 days of streak running then what?   My recent difficulties have convinced me that maybe I won't just run every day for the rest of my life, but, I do have some other very long streaks that I think probably will continue -- like 30+ years of brushing my teeth every single day, no matter what the weather or circumstance may have been.   So, I'm thinking I may be just start another random streak if only so that I can write really depressing posts here every day still.   Any suggestions?   Right now I'm thinking perhaps 25 push ups a day?   Or should it be more?   I'm serious about the suggestion request.


  1. Did you you log this from my office??
    Streak suggestion, hmm. Pushups are a good idea. 25 would take seconds a day, so that's a ton easier than running. Talking to a stranger is another idea. Reading. Umm, eating better, like vegetables or something gross.

    1. Yes Chad and I appreciate being able to do so -- talking to a stranger would be a good one, though that may be hard, or expensive considering the easiest way to do it would be to chat up a fast food establishment employee. No way I'm committing to vegetables. Considering the stranger conversation though....thinking of parameters etc. Hmmm

  2. And no one will ever suggest your teeth are over-brushed!

    Funny that Chad suggested "talking to strangers" as your new streak. I myself thought "stealing a kid's lunch money" is a good one.


    - Sneezing
    - Not puking (like on "Seinfeld")
    - Wearing the color green
    - Saying at least one sentence in public in Spanish
    - Somersaulting
    - Reminiscing about your running streak (and blogging about the reminiscing)
    - Spraying a cat with a water gun
    - Eating licorice
    - Drinking root beer
    - Helping an old woman cross the street
    - Teaching someone a fact about Vermont
    - Writing a letter or email and sending it to an elected official
    - Accurately predicting the stock market
    - Walking
    - Climbing 100 stair steps
    - Descending 100 stair steps
    - Commenting on
    - Pouring cement
    - Chopping down a tree
    - Getting a tattoo
    - Talking like Popeye
    - Referencing a "Far Side" cartoon
    - Stopping a sentence midway through, staring at the other person, and in general creating an awkward silence
    - Snorting water up your nose
    - Doing a cannonball into a swimming pool
    - Getting your hands dirty and then not washing them before eating a meal
    - Eating with chopsticks
    - Eating a whole potato
    - Eating a full jar of mayonnaise
    - Not picking your nose
    - Jumping jacks
    - Doing Salah
    - Getting a haircut
    - Putting up some junk for sale on eBay
    - Getting your RDA of zinc
    - Rinsing and repeating

    1. CMB, first of all, please accept my apology for replying in such a delayed manner – fact is, I enjoyed your response so much I wanted to reply properly and well, I never seem to have enough time to do much of anything properly in life, so…anyway, I have added comments below to each of yours below, starting now:

      CMB: And no one will ever suggest your teeth are over-brushed!
      BATP: Excellent point – I guess one could do that though, right?

      CMB: Funny that Chad suggested "talking to strangers" as your new streak. I myself thought "stealing a kid's lunch money" is a good one.
      BATP: Talking to strangers is indeed a good one, but I just don’t think I would WANT to do that…still considering as it could make for good blog stuff. As for stealing a kid’s lunch money…I don’t see how I could accomplish without some serious side affects.


      - Sneezing: What an absolutely horrific streak that would be to maintain….I think it would be insanely impressive if one could do that for even a week. That stated, I’m not trying this one because I could see myself stressing out about having not sneezed as the midnight hour approached, resulting in me snorting large volumes of pepper, hitting myself in the nose and overall doing seriously bizarre things in order to keep the streak alive.
      - Not puking (like on "Seinfeld"): I live in a house with 2 kids, pinning my hopes to this one would just be foolish. Jerry didn’t live with any kids.
      - Wearing the color green: Too easy, I’d just replace all of my boxers with green one’s…and I’m pretty sure I’ve worn boxers at least once a day since I made the switch from briefs in 1991.
      - Saying at least one sentence in public in Spanish: No hablo Espanol.
      - Somersaulting: I REALLY like this one and may just do it…so, one a day is sufficient?

    2. - Reminiscing about your running streak (and blogging about the reminiscing): You’ll undoubtedly get some of this, but to try to keep it up for a year would be even too insane for ME!
      - Spraying a cat with a water gun: Day 1-7 would be very fun, but how would I handle when traveling? Stalking around a random city, or country for that matter, looking for cats to spray with a water gun could have serious negative affects to me as wel.
      - Eating licorice: Couldn’t do that to my teeth, though I’d enjoy it
      - Drinking root beer: Couldn’t do that to my teeth either
      - Helping an old woman cross the street: Excuse me, are there any old women around? I know it’s 11:30pm, but I need to help one across the street PRONTO!
      - Teaching someone a fact about Vermont: Great one, though I’m not sure there are 365 facts about Vermont
      - Writing a letter or email and sending it to an elected official: Too much work, or too much like work, either way I’m out. Maybe writing a letter to anyone every day is a good idea though….
      - Accurately predicting the stock market: If I could do this for even 2 days straight, or 1, I would be quite pleased
      - Walking: I think I have a pretty long streak going on that one already, probably around 39 years
      - Climbing 100 stair steps: Interesting, doable and being considered
      - Descending 100 stair steps: Dito
      - Commenting on I think he would ban me after maybe 2 days
      - Pouring cement: This one really made me laugh
      - Chopping down a tree: Quite a difficult task in AZ
      - Getting a tattoo: NO
      - Talking like Popeye: Considering
      - Referencing a "Far Side" cartoon: Wish I could recall enough of them to memory to do so
      - Stopping a sentence midway through, staring at the other person, and in general creating an awkward silence: Well, I just don’t know if I….
      - Snorting water up your nose: Would this be healthy?
      - Doing a cannonball into a swimming pool: Just the travel thing makes this seem impossible….there are almost zero places to swim in Taiwan, including the ocean. Seriously, the percentage of people that can swim in that country is so low that most places don’t allow people to try it.
      - Getting your hands dirty and then not washing them before eating a meal: I think I did this from 1974-1984, maybe I should try to blog about all those meals?
      - Eating with chopsticks: A very doable thing, except that I’d always have to carry them around, which I don’t want to do.
      - Eating a whole potato: How ‘bout eating one with chop stix every day?
      - Eating a full jar of mayonnaise: Zero chance this will be done by me.
      - Not picking your nose: This would be a) very hard to not do for a year and b) not very fun to blog about…except on the days when I really wanted to, but couldn’t for fear of ending the streak!
      - Jumping jacks: I’ve got some sort of jumping jack issue, it makes no sense, but for some reason doing even a few jumping jacks gives me a headache…yeah, like a real one. Anyway, I stopped doing them after completing P90X a few years back.
      - Doing Salah: Too lazy to even look this up on Google.
      - Getting a haircut: Every day?
      - Putting up some junk for sale on eBay: Too much work
      - Getting your RDA of zinc: Great idea
      - Rinsing and repeating: WELL PLAYED, funniest one saved for last!

      Again, thank you for the great response!
