Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 190

  • 8.29 miles
    • 8:06/mile pace
    • 0531
    • From/to home inclusive of one Thunderbird Park lap
  • Wasn't as tired this morning, though my legs weren't spinning with any speed, so to speak.   Felt OK I guess, though had to stop for a bathroom break, which I never like to have to do.   Anyway, glad I got in a little hill running and think the overall mileage for a work-week day is pretty good, but still not an impressive effort, so perhaps I am just fatigued?   I did think about the fact that if I feel like I felt this morning...just slow and tired...I would probably fail in my effort to complete the 2012 LMI course in under an hour three weeks and 2-3 days from now as is my hope, but I guess I won't worry about that right now, just have to keep training.   I feel fine, the streak goes on.


  1. Found you, you little weirdo.
    Thanks for lunch.

  2. Bobby, I'm impressed with the mileage you've been putting in recently. I counted more than 30 last week.

    1. CMB, thank you, I hope that it has positive affect on my stated sub-1 hour goal, but fear that what I really need to increase is the quality of my runs and I haven't done as well with that...yet.
